Submit Reset Q A T A ME Satisfaction Form

As we pursue our commitment to deliver quality services responsive to the needs of our clienteles, we would like to seek your help in evaluating the conduct of QATAME. Thank you.

Tick the appropriate box: 4= Very Satisfied; 3=Satisfied; 2=Dissatisfied; 1= Very Dissatisfied


A. Before the QATAME activity: 4 3 2 1
1. Where you satisfied with the notice given for the conduct of QATAME visit?
2. Were you queries and clarifications regarding the activity answered?
B. During the QATAME Activity: 4 3 2 1
1. Were you satisfied with the time allotted for the activity?
2. Were you provided with the overview of the activity during pre-conference meeting?
3. Were the QATAME providers courteous and practiced Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in giving explanations and Technical Assistance.
4. Were you given an opportunity to comment on the providers' observations/ findings?
C. Closing the QATAME Activity: 4 3 2 1
1. Were all findings discussed with you during the Post Conference?
2. Were you satisfied with the findings of the QATAME providers?
3. Were you satisfied with the overall conduct of the activity?
4. Do you find the conduct of QATAME has added value to your unit/ section?